Thank you, America

Thank you, America


Jacopo Gallelli

Thank you for letting me dream, for having welcomed me and helped me over the years of this incredible journey. Thank you for realizing the dream of a boy who fished for perch on Lake Chiusi, in old Italy. Thank you for being an immense and marvelous country with thousands of rivers and lakes to discover and to fish.

Thank you for permitting me to win an important tournament on the Potomac River and for letting me achieve competitive results that were nearly unthinkable.

Thank you for the huge emotions I experienced and also for the huge difficulties I was also able to overcome. Thank you for introducing me to sponsors who believe din me and in my ideas. Thank you for the fantastic people I came to know and whose friendship and affection I will always carry in my heart.

Thank you, America.

But now is the time for me to return home. There are many reasons that brought me to this very difficult decision, and I will address those another time.

In any case, my run in professional bass fishing closes here for now.


Jacopo Gallelli

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Jacopo Gallelli