
The passion for their products


Michele Fanfani

The passion for their products never waned, the proof is that I used the Kento Jig as my main weapon on the Major League Fishing BPT on lake Champlain last year, and sometimes you have the opportunity to go back to your roots. I’m very proud to announce my cooperation with the Italian brand Molix for the 2022, we know and respect each other for a long time, and I’m very happy to represent Molix for the upcoming season. Dream Big!better than go fishing with a friend with no pressure. @simmsfishing #fishing #bassfishing #spottedbass #friends #double #nopressure #funfishing #lakemartin

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Michele Fanfani
Michele, 60 years old, Florentine like Jacopo, followed him during all phases of his sporting career in Italy and accompanied him to America at the start of his professional career. He achived several successes fishing along with Jacopo but above all he conceived and created the Italian magazine “Bassfishing” and the publication “The Secrets of Bassfishing”. He currently follows Jacopo along his career and is the creator and administrator of the “Curva Gallelli” Fans Club.