What can you tell about Jacopo in the USA?

Here’s the blog with short interviews, life stories and fun facts that will help you know him better. And most of all you can discover some of his bass fishing secrets to help you improve your game.


Thank you, America


Jacopo Gallelli
Thank you for letting me dream, for having welcomed me and helped me over the years of this incredible journey. Thank you for realizing the dream of a boy who fished for perch on Lake Chiusi, in old Italy. Thank you for being an immense and marvelous country with thousands of rivers and lakes to discover and to fish. Thank you for permitting me to win an important tournament on the Potomac River and for letting me achieve competitive results that were nearly unthinkable. Thank you for……


Henry Veggian
When you arrive in Windsor, North Carolina from the highway that passes it to the south, you drive past a sign. It’s a sign you could pass without noticing. Around the sign, which sits atop a pole, there are a thousand distractions. On one corner there is an old house from times gone by, its paint crusted and peeling from the bent wooden frame, on the other the blinding lights of a gas station. A river flows behind this mis-en-scene, which is framed in turn by a swamp. The sign can easily be missed. What did it say? I turn around at the corner to read it with care. It says: “WWII POW Camp…


Michele Fanfani
It obviously gets harder to discuss results when your horse isn’t winning, or even placing. But you also know that the horse is a pure breed and that it has all of the qualities it needs to perform well. And we fans who passionately cheer for him continue to believe that he can still compete for the top spots. Maybe we don’t appreciate that this year is not a competition year like the others. Our champion is running now with the fifty best horses in the world. As such, a poor result can still put him on the track to a better result. …


Jacopo Gallelli
In recent years, techniques like wacky rig and neko have become very popular among Bass fishermen around the world. The need to have a specific hook for this technique that had specific characteristics of snag resistance, ease of bait rigging, and hook set capability, led me to request BKK to develop some prototypes. …


Henry Veggian
When the first bass you catch weighs seven pounds, six ounces, you can be pretty sure your day has begun well and you would say it on almost any lake. But on the Bass Pro Tour, anything can happen. For example, you might land a giant bass and then not catch another, or you might find yourself surrounded by fish you only see in your dreams – or surrounded by gators. Luckily, gator season was……


Michele Fanfani
Jacopo competed in his second tournament of the season when he fished his home lake, Guntersvillein the Phoenix Bass Fishing League tournament there. He chose to compete and practice there even though it is not part of the Bass Pro Tour, because it nonetheless offered Jacopo a chance to stay sharp, practice new strategies and try new spots and techniques…


Michele Fanfani
The sponsorship and support from Freedom Marine Center of Guntersville are tightening even further for the newly started season. Jacopo’s participation in the Bass Pro Tour 2024 can therefore increasingly rely on the professionalism and availability of the friends at Freedom Marine who have been following Jacopo since his early important races in America. On Jacopo’s Phoenix bass boat, we can see the new wrapping prominently featuring the Freedom Marine logo, among the most important sponsors….


Michele Fanfani
Having obtained his last minute invite to the long sought after Bass Pro Tour, Jacopo showed up on Toledo Bend loaded with hope and new insights to begin the new season in the best way. A few days of official practice available to him provided interesting results, so much so that he thought he might have a good tournament. We have to remember, however, that the Bass Pro Tour fields the top American professional bass anglers in a particular format. No longer is competition a question of landing your five best fish (by weight), but rather the total weight of all an angler’s catches, which are essentially without limit. This format is possible due to the presence of a marshall in every boat who instantly verifies the weight of a legal fish, thereby recording the catch in the live standings. The tournament, which is transmitted live from cameras on the boats of the pros who are highest in the standings, is essentially live and the standings are continualy updated. All of this radically changes the strategies that each angler must adopt in order to win. From the search for big fish and from sitting on a single spot, anglers must instead seek out zones that hold the most bass of a medium-large size. …


Michele Fanfani
Despite all of our love for bass fishing in all of its forms, it’s hard not to remark that the spectacle of live-streamed bass fishing from American tournaments has diminished over the past two years. It’s a shame, because the Americans are masters of televised entertainment and we are a bit surprised by what is happening on the MLF circuit. The advent of fishing with Livescope and with similar technologies obligates anglers to endure long fishing sessions curved over the screens at their feet, without ever casting toward structure or an interested grass mat. Of course, the bites can come at a constant clip, but for those of us watching the live stream it hardly constitutes a spectacle. Add the live weighing and immediate release, and you’ve also lost the show at the podium. Apparently, this last method is better for the fish, who are returned almost immediately after being landed, sparing them the stress of a visit to the livewell. But in reality, a tournament that is devoted to catching the biggest fish limits the number of catches (thereby placing fewer fish in the livewell), and in that way is different than the unlimited catch that is the formula of the Bass Pro Tour. In sum, in watching Jacopo’s tournaments from home, we, the Italian audience, have noticed these changes. We are also sure, however, that American media won’t easily betray their commitment to spectacle and entertainment, and that they are probably already reconsidering it. …


Michele Fanfani
In order to celebrate his participation on the Bass Pro Tour, and thanks to its sponsorship, Jacopo can count on running a new Yamaha outboard motor in 2024. He is already on the water testing the new motor and has sent along glowing reviews. Yamaha has perennially been a trusted brand, and we count on it to launch Jacopo on the way to his highest goals, which evaded him ever so slightly last season. A few notes about Yamaha Marine Outboards, from their website: “Our outboard motors, ideal for smaller and mid-sized vessels, are noted principally for their excellent convenience, respect for the environment, easy maintenance and efficient use of space, making them the choice for a range of people across the world. By applying the technologies developed for motorcycle engines, Yamaha Motor launched its first marine motor, the small P-7 outboard, in 1960. In the more than 60 years since then, the company has expanded its product range of marine engines, adapting them to multiple uses and conditions in the varied places where they are used, concentrating primarily on outboard engines, compressed models with ever-higher horsepower and models that have greater energy efficiency, as well as models developed to perform in the most extreme conditions so much so that in 2022, the production of Yamaha outboards reached 13 million units.” …


Michele Fanfani
Jacopo was travelling to practice a big lake that was far away from home when a phone call changed his plans for 2024. It was as if the train that he thought would pass him by suddenly stopped in front of him. And Jacopo had to decide quickly: should I board the train or not? Every adventure involves some risks, and if you do not take any risks you will never know how the adventure might have ended. It’s like in the Italian movie It Happens Tomorrow: set during the European revolutions of 1850, it depicts two “butteri” (Italian cowboys) who have never left the Maremma region of Tuscany as ride through Italy to discover the truth of what is happening. Their catch phrase is “If you don’t go, you won’t see!” In the end, Jacopo climbed aboard the train. And we will all get to see where the adventure leads him. And so it is official: in 2024, Jacopo Gallelli will compete on the MLF BASS PRO TOUR …


Michele Fanfani
It isn’t easy for anyone – not for me, the writer, and not the least of all for Jacopo – to confront results that are decidedly unfavorable. The previous four tournaments developed as we might have wanted them to but they did not result in checks (even if we appreciate the result at Cayuga). But then Lake of the Ozarks turned out to be a beast (and not the good kind) for Jacopo; in consecutive events (Bassmaster Open and MLF Toyota Series) he failed to fish up to any standard of sufficiency….